Speidel Ingredient Packs
BrewSmarter now offer support in critical areas that could otherwise hold your production up for months:
- help with revenue / licencing start up paperwork,
- help with ongoing revenue paperwork requirements (brewing logs etc),
- recipe development, and
- simplified ingredients supply.
Contact Us for more details, and for help with recipe development and suggestions. To keep it simple, this section contains complete ingredient "packs" that contain all the ingredients required to make the beer. Speidel programming instructions are outlined in the descriptions. Use the 20 litre packs for recipe development with a 20 litre Speidel, or a 50 litre Speidel fitted with the shortened malt pipe. Use the 50, 200, and 500 litre packs for production using the appropriate Speidel. Contact us if you have specific recipe requirements.
Over recent years hop pellets have largely replaced the use of hop cones in microbreweries, having better storage properties and improved α-acid utilization. These kits all use hop pellets (where possible). You should incorporate a simplified version of the whirlpool method, where the wort is stirred in a circular motion to generate a mini-whirlpool to collect the hops and other sediment in the middle of the kettle. Then the wort is sucked out from the side of the sediment with a syphon, or via a tap. Stir the wort vigorously in a circular motion for one to two minutes and then let it rest for a few minutes before transferring the wort. See video here: whirlpool in action. The larger Speidels (200 and 500 litre units) have built in whirlpooling which is performed automatically for you.
All of the grains in these recipes are whole. Crushed malt is not used because of the great loss of aroma within a short time. You will need a quality malt mill to freshly crush the whole malt in the kits: Bulldog Malt Mill (Best Value Adjustable Roller Mill By A Mile) PLUS Malt Bucket. This will give you the freshest and most consistent results possible.
- help with revenue / licencing start up paperwork,
- help with ongoing revenue paperwork requirements (brewing logs etc),
- recipe development, and
- simplified ingredients supply.
Contact Us for more details, and for help with recipe development and suggestions. To keep it simple, this section contains complete ingredient "packs" that contain all the ingredients required to make the beer. Speidel programming instructions are outlined in the descriptions. Use the 20 litre packs for recipe development with a 20 litre Speidel, or a 50 litre Speidel fitted with the shortened malt pipe. Use the 50, 200, and 500 litre packs for production using the appropriate Speidel. Contact us if you have specific recipe requirements.
Over recent years hop pellets have largely replaced the use of hop cones in microbreweries, having better storage properties and improved α-acid utilization. These kits all use hop pellets (where possible). You should incorporate a simplified version of the whirlpool method, where the wort is stirred in a circular motion to generate a mini-whirlpool to collect the hops and other sediment in the middle of the kettle. Then the wort is sucked out from the side of the sediment with a syphon, or via a tap. Stir the wort vigorously in a circular motion for one to two minutes and then let it rest for a few minutes before transferring the wort. See video here: whirlpool in action. The larger Speidels (200 and 500 litre units) have built in whirlpooling which is performed automatically for you.
All of the grains in these recipes are whole. Crushed malt is not used because of the great loss of aroma within a short time. You will need a quality malt mill to freshly crush the whole malt in the kits: Bulldog Malt Mill (Best Value Adjustable Roller Mill By A Mile) PLUS Malt Bucket. This will give you the freshest and most consistent results possible.